Tiny Frog Among the Geraniums

When watering the flowers in your planter, you never know what will surprise you among the leaves. One day, my neighbor was watering her geraniums when all of a sudden this little green frog jumped out from among the leaves. While the water was probably a surprise to him, I'm sure he enjoyed the refreshing liquid on a warm evening.

tiny green frog in leaves

Rodrigo the Frog had a long journey - he had been playing in the bushes at his house when his human family lost track of him. Rodrigo was a brave soul and hopped through yards and across streets, until he found a nice patch of green leaves to nestle into. I'm not sure how long he was hiding out in the geraniums before my neighbor was surprised by her unexpected guest.

adventurous frog in geranium leaves

He spent a nice evening having a photo shoot and being oohed and aahed over by my children. His family was eventually found and he said "goodbye" then returned to his home. What a lovely adventure for a little frog!

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