Fresh Spring Blooming Daffodils

Depending on where you live, daffodils are one of the first flowers that break through the dirt during the spring. Their yellow or white faces open up toward the sun as they sit atop their green stalks.

Yellow and White Daffodils blooming in the spring

When we lived in South Carolina, daffodils popped up through the ground and bloomed in early March during the same week of my oldest's birthday. She thought is was so exciting that they came up just in time to celebrate with her. While they come up later here in Utah, we still enjoy seeing them just as much.

What are your favorite flowers?

A Rainbow and A Surprise Adventure

Sometimes it is the little unexpected things during an adventure that can make it memorable. Isn't that the exciting part about adventures though - when going through life, you never know what will make a lasting memory. Last night, that unexpected happening was my shoes.

I'll admit, shoes are not the topic you might expect when coming to a photography blog. Nevertheless, that's our topic for today. Read my tale and learn from my mistakes.

Yesterday, we had rain all day long, the kind of rain that makes me miss western Washington. My family went out to run an errand while I stayed home editing photos. My husband called to say that there was an amazing rainbow and I had to come out to see it. I slipped on the first pair of shoes I could find and ran out to the truck to chase a rainbow.

Rainbow over houses and weeping willow

Yellowstone River at Fishing Bridge

When traveling through Yellowstone National Park, there are so many wonderful places to stop and take photographs. We stopped at Fishing Bridge near the East Entrance of the park to enjoy a bit of the natural beauty.

yellowstone river at fishing bridge cloud reflection

We went down to the river and walked along for a while, looking at the flowers blooming and we even saw pelicans swim from one side of the river to the other. I had read that it was a good spot to look for otters, but unfortunately they weren't there that day.

When going to National Parks, make sure to stop at the lesser visited areas too. You never know what beauty you are going to see!

When we got in the car to head further into the park, we were stuck on the road while a herd of buffalo (bison) crossed the road. We were able to enjoy seeing one buffalo dance around in the dirt and have a bit of a dirt bath.

Lobster at Cabrillo Beach California

Last fall my family took a trip to California. We visited Cabrillo Beach in the LA area. We pulled into the parking lot and got ready to head down to the sand and waves.

On our walk to the beach, two surfers asked if we wanted to see something cool. We headed over and one pulled this lobster out of the back of their truck! They had been over by the pier and caught this guy and a fish. How cool!

This lobster was still moving around and it was so neat to see. He kindly let me take a photo, which was wonderful because I didn't want to forget this unique experience!

live caught lobster at cabrillo beach california

To see more photos from our Day in Los Angeles - visit here

Tulips in Provo Utah

I love the early spring flowers that come up. The first green sprouts that break through the dirt make me excited for warmer weather and the anticipation of the beautiful blossoms that will arrive.

Yellow and White tulips in Provo Utah

Tulips come in so many varieties and colors. When I was saw these lovely flowers at the LDS Provo Temple, I knew I had to take a photograph of them. The yellows remind me of the sunshine and warmth.

What are your favorite flowers?
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